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You've probably seen kefir at the grocery store, but did you know you can culture your own? Kefir is a probiotic fermented dairy product kind of like yogurt, but there are dozens of bacterial and fungal species. The rich flavor and fizziness are some reasons why it's called the "champagne of dairy products". Goes great in protein shakes. We also make it into cheese (kind of like a thin cream cheese or thick sour cream), and it can be used to ferment your oats overnight for easier digestion and nutrient absorption. You just plop the kefir culture "grains" in milk, leave it on the shelf for a day, and then from there, you have many options for what to do next. This is kind of like sourdough bread starters that grow and need to be shared. We get fresh goat milk each day, so we have some healthy cultures.

Kefir culture grains

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